Since getting Polly we've taken her pretty much everywhere we can. This is mostly due to the fact that I am super attached to her, probably in a kind of unhealthy way. But whatever, she's my baby. I used to think that people who let their dogs lick them on the mouth and on the face were totally disgusting but now I let Polly lick me all the time. She kind of has a problem with the licking but I can't bring myself to completely stop her because it is kind of cute. She doesn't do it as much to Caleb - probably because his face is all rough and probably doesn't taste that good anyway.
So, a couple weeks ago we took her to the St. Paul Dragon Boat Races at Lake Phalen. It was her first time really being around people with us and she did really well. Everyone wanted to pet her and hold her and she was just fine with that. Al Franken happened to be walking around and we thought it'd be fun to get our picture taken with him. Polly felt like kissing him on the cheek right as they snapped the picture. Oh well. The girl who took the picture guilted us into signing up for the Obama campaign list and now they call me like everyday. I'm all about Obama but I am not all about going door to door handing out crap. No thanks. Polly might though.
Last weekend we visited my Dad & Beth in Lucas, Iowa and just hung out in their pool most of the time. Polly was not that thrilled but she did have fun sitting on top of Caleb and running back and forth on him.
We tried to put her in the water for swimming and at first she kind of sank and sputtered but then she got the hang of it and swam back and forth between us. I don't think she was too happy with us but she gave us wet sloppy kisses afte